
Girl don't be sad 女孩,不必悲伤
You know what you're missing 你知道你留恋的过往
No reason to feel bad 并不值得伤怀
He don't mean much with his kisses 你感觉不到他吻中深切的爱
You're gonna make it through 让这一切成为过去吧
You have always been surviving 你依然是你
I've got faith in you 相信你
And I know you'll get it going 终将学会放手
But you can't go back 但是你不能再走来时的路
To what it never was 仿佛什么都不曾发生
To repossess, what you never owned 幻想再次得到那本就曾拥有过的美好
But you can't go back 不,你不能再走来时的路
To what it never was 仿佛什么都不曾发生
This is that time, this is that time 这只是一段
When you're better off alone 一段你应当独享孤寂的岁月
Girl don't you see 女孩,你可知道
There's nothing more to see there 过去已不再值得追忆
You've got a friend in me 作为你的知己
And I will always be here 我将一直守护你
And you know it won't be long 你知道毋须太久
Until it's all behind you 就能遗忘一切过往
You will meet someone 你也终会遇到他
Someone's bound to find you 那个始终将你寻觅的人
But you can't go back 但是你不能再走来时的路
To what it never was 仿佛什么都不曾发生
To repossess, what you never owned 幻想再次得到本就不曾拥有过的美好
But you can't go back 你不能再走来时的路
To what it never was 仿佛从来不曾发生过
This is that time, this is that time 这只是一段孤单的日子
When you're better off alone 一段你应当独享孤寂的岁月
Even alone at night 即使在孤单的午夜
You will be all right 你也会安然度过
You're so strong – you will get over him 坚强的你,终会忘记那个人
And there will be times 即使这样的情况会有很多次
That I'll expect these lies 希望我所讲的
Not to comfort – but remind you 不是在安慰你,只是在提醒你
But you can't go back 但是你不能再走来时的路
To what it never was 仿佛什么都不曾发生
To repossess, what you never owned 幻想再次得到本就不曾拥有过的美好
But you can't go back 你不能再走来时的路
To what it never was 仿佛什么都不曾发生
This is that time, this is that time 这只是一段孤单的日子
When you're better off alone 一段你应当独享孤寂的岁月
But you can't go back 你不能再走来时的路
To what it never was 仿佛什么不曾发生
This is that time, this is that time 这只是一段孤单的日子
When you're better off alone 一段你应当独享孤寂的岁月
This is that time, this is that time 这只是一段孤单的日子
When you're better off alone 一段你应当独享孤寂的岁月
This is that time, this is that time 这只是一段孤单的日子
When you're better off alone 一段你应当独享孤单的日子
Sissel是位我非常喜欢的挪威歌手.我很喜欢她的声音,歌声总是柔和而充满感情,而她本人也给人清爽飘逸的感觉,正如百度百科上介绍的:这个总是低调经营着自己的美丽女人, 每一次的出击都会让那些热恋中的人们欢呼。 那声线如空谷的风,轻柔、不羁, 令人着迷的天籁之声,神秘的北欧气质,唯美的旋律, 炽热、深情地唱着关于爱情的点点滴滴,一瞬间里就会让你怀想起那些甜蜜和浪漫的画面……尤其不可思议的是,她的音乐融合古典、福音、爵士与流行。当这清亮却不乏柔情的声音渐渐盛满小小房间的时候,似乎那掀起帘角的微风都带着属于大海的咸腥潮湿的气息。恍惚中,看见一位身着黑纱的女子,立于海边的礁石之上,轻声吟唱着。黑纱飞扬,浪花四溅,歌声穿过海浪,伴着海风,飘向远方……
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